Saturday, March 28, 2015

Friend - a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.

Life is beautiful when you know you are not alone. Since the day, you step into this mysterious world, you are surrounded my different kind of people. You have different relationship with them; family, relatives, friends, neighbors, and many more. As you grow up, u start choosing who would be around you. Mostly friends around, adulthood is the most amazing part of the life because you spend most of it with people with whom you share your ideas, friends.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Believe in yourself, because nobody knows you better but yourself

"What do we live for?" This may be a common question for people of my age group. Someone still running for the lectures, someone started giving lectures. Someone started their dream works and someone still working for their dream. Someone already got married to their loved one and someone still searching for a person to love. Whatever the situation is, everything comes to end at the same question "What do we live for?"