Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Believe in yourself, because nobody knows you better but yourself

"What do we live for?" This may be a common question for people of my age group. Someone still running for the lectures, someone started giving lectures. Someone started their dream works and someone still working for their dream. Someone already got married to their loved one and someone still searching for a person to love. Whatever the situation is, everything comes to end at the same question "What do we live for?"

Some people just don't find a reason to live; and end their so-called miserable life by killing by self. It is not easy to kill anyone; specially own-self. It requires great courage to do something that will hurt self. I believe people who kill themselves are coward. They are just running away from the struggle of their lives. If you can gather courage to kill yourself; why can't you gather courage to fight your life?

Few days ago, I was in the university library and found an engineering book with an interesting quote. It states "Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other sins are invented nonsense. Hurting yourself is not a sin - just stupid" - Robert A. Heinlein

Why the influence of other people alters our life? People come and go in your life; learn good things from them. Everybody have good qualities with them. If we even try to get few of those good qualities, we can learn a lot and improve on things what we usually do in our daily life. Instead, we do the opposite; we ignore the goodness of people around us.

People make mistakes, that's what makes us human being, because Human make mistakes. What we can do is, learn from the mistakes and never repeat it again. Mistakes are like scars craving in the tree; they never fades away, they never heal; maybe they will get deeper and darker with the span of time, but they will stay forever. One thing we can do is, grow or expand ourselves; grow more branches and leaves, expand our life so that those scars will look small in the shadow of achievements we made while growing.

The brightest, deepest and most remarkable color come from not giving up too easily or quickly. Life is the best teacher, it will test you in every situation; you may fail, but it doesn't mean you give up. There's always a better tomorrow, hope for the better and brighter of that tomorrow, so when life test you again, you don't make same mistake and beat it with your experience. Believe in yourself, because nobody knows you better but yourself.

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